ChartWriter 1.0




The ChartWriter component is an all round chart producer built around the basisc graph types Curve, Bar and Pie.  A variety of design time options let you tailor your charts without writing much code. These are some of the key features:

·        3D support for bars and pies

·        Animation (all graph types)

·        Chart subclassing. Choose between different chart types supporting time line or number spanned series, or charts adapted to categories of any kind.

·        Use Legend objects to create legends adapted to different kinds of content and positioning.

·        Automated grouping of time line series: Group dates into months, hours into days, minutes into hours, etc.

·        Keep a bank of chart objects (curves, bars, pies, legends and groups) for reuse across charts.

·        Graph subclassing. Tailor your graphs objects to make them appear in different shapes and forms

·        Axis rotation. Turn axis pairs around the clock.

·        Create correlation diagrams using double value axes support.

·        Database interaction

·        Overflow management. Choose between contraction, compression or scrolling when point objects exceeds available screen space

·        Read and write charts to files, keeping their full richness. Load data series into predefined charts.

·        Zooming. Drill down to view the details.

·        Live designer data. View the results of your settings design time.

·        … and much more.

ChartWriter offers some basic statistic functions (including linear regression and simple moving average). However, if your goal is to create advanced financial or statistic applications, you should probably consider another tool than ChartWriter.

Demo app

The packagae contains a full featured demo application where you can view and edit several premade charts or create your own charts.

Help file

To get more information about the component, you may take a look at the help file.

Chart examples


Et bilde som inneholder tekst, Plottdiagram, line, skjermbilde

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Temperature diagram with legend and groupings. The month row is generated using automated time line grouping.

Et bilde som inneholder Plottdiagram, skjermbilde, line, diagram

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View the curves as as filled areas using the Area linestyle

Et bilde som inneholder Plottdiagram, skjermbilde, line, tekst

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Or split diagram at the zero point.


Et bilde som inneholder tekst, skjermbilde, Plottdiagram, diagram

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Bar diagram showing fruit sales for a company over a two year period.

Et bilde som inneholder tekst, skjermbilde, diagram, Plottdiagram

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Overelapping bars

Et bilde som inneholder tekst, diagram, sirkel, skjermbilde

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Swich between bar and pie view, by declaring an alternative graph for the bar.


Et bilde som inneholder tekst, diagram, Plottdiagram, bakke

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Curve diagram correlating speed and elevation of a runner stage. Two curves with different styles.


Et bilde som inneholder tekst, skjermbilde, sirkel, diagram

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3D pie diagram showing max, min and avg. temperatures during a year partitioned into 10 degrees «zones».


Et bilde som inneholder tekst, skjermbilde, design

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Bar weather map with label images and wall.

Et bilde som inneholder tekst, skjermbilde, programvare, display

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Splitting the weather map in half, showing the most and least stable weather types.

Et bilde som inneholder tekst, skjermbilde, line, programvare

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Horizontal view


Et bilde som inneholder tekst, Plottdiagram, skjermbilde, line

Automatisk generert beskrivelse

Bar and curve correlating temperatures and precipitation